European Union Center Receives Focal Point Grant

The EU Center was recently awarded a Focal Point Grant from the University of Illinois Graduate College for the proposed project entitled “Engaging the European Union: Institutions, Networks, and Policies in Transatlantic Relations.” This project will include a lecture-style course, featuring U of I faculty and visiting EU scholars, during the fall semester and the First Annual EU Center Graduate Student Conference in the spring. The project faculty organizers are Bryan Endres, EUC Director, and Bob Pahre, former EUC Director. Student organizers are Alex Balas, Richelle Bernazzoli, and Reneé Holley.
Since 2009, the Graduate College has been soliciting collaborative projects from University of Illinois graduate students and faculty. These initiatives provide support for new courses and research tracts, adding to the cultivation and diversification of pedagogical techniques and scholarly practices in graduate education.
