Higher Education in Germany: Thirteen Years after the Bologna Declaration

On September 25, Edwin Kreuzer, Professor of Mechanics and Head of Research Section Mechanics and Ocean Engineering at Hamburg University of Technology in Hamburg, Germany, delivered a lecture entitled "Higher Education in Germany: Thirteen Years after the Bologna Declaration". Dr. Kreuzer's lecture is co-sponsored by the European Union Center and the Global Studies in Education program. You can watch his full lecture below or by clicking here:

Edwin J. Kreuzer is Professor of Mechanics at Hamburg University of Technology in Hamburg, Germany, where he serves as the Head of Research Section Mechanics and Ocean Engineering. He also served as the President of the Hamburg Univ. of Technology from 2005-2011. He received a M.S. in Studies in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Munich, a Ph.D from the University of Stuttgart, and a “Habilitation” in mechanics from the University of Stuttgart. He has held teaching positions at the Univ. of Stuttgart, Federal University of Rio de Janiero, Hamburg Univ. of Technology, and the Univ. of California, Berkeley. Over the years he has served as a Co-Editor of the book series Advances in Mechanics and a Co-Editor-in-Chief of Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. He has been a member of the Deutsches Komitee für Mechanik Board, the Congress Committee of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, the Hamburg Academy of Sciences (where he is a Founding Member), the European Academy of Science and Arts, and the German Academy of Science and Engineering.
