Monday, October 21, 2013

Mahir Şaul-Edited Book on Judeo-Spanish and Nationalism in the Twentieth Century Published

Mahir Şaul, European Union Center-Affiliate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has edited a book that was recently published, entitled Judeo-Spanish in the Time of Clamoring Nationalisms

The book explores the power of language during the time of Nationalism during the twentieth century in the Balkans, Turkey, and the Levant within the context of Judeo-Spanish. It poses the question of whether or not language influenced the Jews' experience of nationalism and if language can survive in other forms after initial emigration and amongst newer generations.

Dr. Şaul has previously explored the topic of Judeo-Spanish in a journal article, "Istanbul Judeo-Spanish," co-written with Jose Ignacio Hualde , published in 2011 in the Journal of the International Phonetic Association. Dr. Saul was also honored with Utne Reader Magazine's Visionaries Award in the fall of 2012.


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