Virtual Roundtable: The Rise of the Right: Comparing the American and European Political Landscapes (VIDEO)

On January 19, 2016, a virtual roundtable discussion was sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh.  The author, Raphaela Berding is a MAEUS student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  

Why do right wing parties in many European countries experience such a high voter intake? Does the hostile feeling against Brussels and its dictations grow? And is what is happening in the EU a reflection to what happens in the US? 

Those were some of the questions that Ronald Linden, Director of the European Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh, asked to the panel of experts that was participating in the videoconference “Rise of the Right: Survey the American and European Political Landscapes.”

The list of panelists for this conversation included:

Lenka Bustikova, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Arizona State University; Jae-Jae Spoon, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of North Texas; Benjamin Haddad, Research Fellow, Hudson Instittute; and Helga Druxes, Proferssor of German, Williams College. Moderated by Ronald Linden, Director of the European Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh  Each semester, the European Union Center co-sponsors the Dialogue on Europe videoconference series organized by the University of Pittsburgh.

The next videoconference (“Whose Legacy? Museums and National Heritage Debates”) will be held on February 16. Go to our calendar to see the schedule for the next virtual roundtable.  For past virtual roundtables, you can visit our blog or the University of Pittsburgh's Youtube page.

Watch the video of the roundtable here or watch it on Youtube.
