Transatlantic Educator Dialogue (TED) Wraps Up An Outstanding Year

by Rhett Oldham, Ed.D, moderator of the Transatlantic Educators Dialogue (TED) program

The European Union Center’s Transatlantic Educator Dialogue program just wrapped up its 15th year, one filled with numerous highlights. Any time one has the opportunity to collaborate with 39 educators from around the United States and Europe — educators who are open to talking about pedagogy, best practices, and global issues — a lot of great learning occurs.

Every TED group develops a unique personality, and TED 2024 was no different. They start out as a group of strangers, but by the end of the program, they have made lifelong connections with fellow educators around the world. The TED participants do this through sharing experiences and being open to new ideas and methodologies. The 2024 cohort worked so well together and enjoyed each other’s company so much that it was difficult to say goodbye after the 10th and final week.

The TED group had a great connection throughout the sessions and contributed outstanding resources throughout the 10 weeks. To keep up with all the great resources, participants used the TED 2024 Resource Page. Each week the group added new resources to the page so that by the end of the TED program, the resource page was full of information that participants can review and use anytime in the future.

TED will most certainly continue to evolve and grow. The participants of TED are encouraged to provide feedback throughout the program, and many of the changes that have been implemented in the past are a direct result of those suggestions. This is a hallmark of a program where every voice is valued. It doesn’t make any difference if English is your second, third, or fourth language. All of the contributions are first rate.

TED is a transformative experience that impacts educators both inside and outside the classroom. Educators leave TED with a stronger understanding of pedagogy and teaching practices around the world. It truly is something special.
